
Crown Land Disposition Acquisition

Completion of Disposition Approval Process

We stay current with both AER and EAP updates, and are very familiar with the processes, databases and software needed to complete disposition applications. Our administration team and project managers review projects to determine the appropriate authorizing body and follow each of the different application requirements as set out by those governing departments as well as under PLAR. All project information is thoroughly analyzed and audited for consistency and compliance prior to any documents being uploaded to the government online application systems. Projects are consistently reviewed and monitored to ensure approvals are obtained within appropriate timelines and status checks are completed with the Crown appropriately.

Forestry Liaison, Crown Surface Land Use and Project Planning Services

We review Public Land Standing Reports, EDPT reports (for AER projects) or LAT reports (for AEP projects) and wildlife referral maps upon commencement of a project on Crown land to immediately identify any timing, wildlife or access restrictions. Our registered foresters are intimately familiar with the Standards and Conditions outlined by PLAR and review and apply these restrictions when analyzing any proposed project. We assist and/or supervise in site scouting and routing to identify possible issues or concerns, and work with AER and AEP representatives to handle any issues which could threaten project timelines. This proactive approach allows for projects to proceed more quickly through the approval process and eliminates the costs associated with re-survey. Our intimate knowledge and experience with AER and AEP operation guidelines and approval requirements aid in keeping project issues to a minimum while enhancing the turnaround of project approvals.

Oil Sands Exploration (OSE) Programs and Caribou Protection Plans (CPPs)

We have experience in obtaining approvals for specialized Oil Sands Exploration (OSE) Programs. We will facilitate these programs successfully, while paying close attention to all the details present when working with both large or small programs. We prepare Caribou Protection Plans if required when within an identified caribou range. We ensure that Caribou Protection Plans are prepared and submitted by the October cut-off, and that any revisions are made by the November deadline. In addition, we will identify projected projects prior to the restricted activity period and develop mitigation documents where possible.