
Land and Lease Acquisitions & Divestitures

Surface Compliance for Acquisition & Divestiture Projects

Backed by years of skillful experience in this specialized and complex portion of land assets, our team is able to complete extensive review of title searches, registered documents and registered plans. Our team further completes vital analysis to ensure all required crossings and third party agreements are in place for the assets being transferred. All data is compiled onto spreadsheets for tracking, and assignment agreements prepared and completed by the Assignor and Assignee. Once Assignments are completed, landowner notifications are sent and the Land Title transfers are prepared and registered accordingly with the appropriate Land Titles office. Final packages consist of all searches, detailed spreadsheets, and all Assignment and Transfer documents as well as landowner notifications. Considerable research is sometimes necessary if proper A&D has not been previously completed.

Crown Land Sales – Planning, Posting and Confidential Name Use

We prepare mosaics for areas of mutual interest – showing various information including available mineral rights, existing wells, and adjacent freehold mineral rights. Our services also include posting land for Crown Land sales, submitting bids to the Crown on behalf of our clients, allowing clients to use our name for Crown Land sale bids, administering all Leases held in Integrity Land’s name for our clients (third party inquiries, notices, solar sites, rental payments, etc.) and holding leases in Integrity Land’s name until requested to transfer them to our clients.

Land Assembly and Leasing of Freehold Minerals

We search for and locate landowner parcels of interest, and review freehold mineral titles to determine which rights are available for lease. In addition, we meet with mineral rights holders to negotiate and prepare lease options and agreements, including bonuses, rental payments, and royalties, and supporting documentation, including those for estates and non-residents. We also register caveats on title to show the interest.